onsdag, juli 12, 2006

Jeg er den bedste :)

Her under det nysoverståede VM har vi haft en lille konkurrence kørende i firmaet. Hvem var bedst til at forudsige hvordan det ville gå....

Vi har netop fået svaret.


Her er så hvad der stod i den mail vi netop medtog fra ham der styrede Showet :

Back to the results. Just a quick re-cap of some details:

43 participants
14 women
27 men
2 complete idiots (they turned out to be men, although alien might be a better description, they are the reason men lost!!!!!!!)

Yes yes, I hear 14 people laughing right now, but something funny will follow in a minute, at least 1 person will not be laughing anymore and she is female:-)

The winner is a woman

If I leave out the 2 "less than retarded" participants, a woman is last!!!!!
At least she is the person that filled in the poule seriously and finished last with her prediction.
The funny thing is she predicted men to win the competition.......
Her name is Monique Landman.

Then who is the lucky guy who did not finish last because of Monique????
Jan Lundsted, you know he did not finish last???? He predicted women to win...........
If I say opposites attract, this also counts for Jan, will come back to that later..........
The 2 idiots, "less than retarded", incredible morons, participants are the 2 dice-men. If you have Togo or Trinidad as World Champion, because of the dice, throw them away, burn them, sacrifice the dice.

Who is the winner of the football poule 2006?
Katja Ronsbo

Why did she win?
She had 7 of the quarter finalists correct, she predicted the score correct for France and Germany. She was simply the best!!

Opposites attract!!! Jan Lundsted has the honor of the 40th place. He predicted women to win, if he did not do that, he would have exactly half of the points of the final score of Katja. 474 vs 948!!!!!
Lucky for him he decided women to win......

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...



Katja sagde ...

Sejt ! Fik du en præmie ? Sådan en kæmpe pokal dims - som du kan have på dit skrivebord ***GGG***så alle kan se at du er en VINDER ?!

**SSS** Mange hilsner Katja

Anonym sagde ...

Hej Katja.

Jeg sidder her ved siden af Ulla, som spiser popcorn, i Parma. Når du nu får job på landet, vil jeg høre om jeg evt. må overtage din andelslejlighed sammen med min kæreste?

Mange hilsner fra.
Ulla´s stedsøn -Alex

Anonym sagde ...

Hej Katja
Tillykke med sejren!! Jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvorfor du stopper paa jobbet - hvordan kan de faa dig til at sige op?? Er det ikke bedre at blive fyret? Og saa kan jeg altsaa slet ikke se dig som landsby-bo!! Men maaske har Dicte aendret det en del - det sker jo. Jeg kunne ogsaa foerst se det charmerende ved Merkur Alle da Nini var kommet til verden! Hvad med Assens? Billigt billigt og saa kan I maaske have en lille baad i havnen...
Knus - og poejpoej, Ulla